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PONDASI DANGKAL PADA JEMBATAN JALAN RAYA (ilmu teknik sipil, data teknik sipil, buku teknik sipil, teknik sipil) Link :

The primary goal of this report is to promote the use of spread footings bearing on competent natural soils, improved soils, and engineered fill materials as a routine alternative to deep foundations for support of bridges by addressing the factors identified above. Documented performance data is used to make this case. The report also presents powerful concepts such as construction-point analysis and angular distortions to demonstrate the efficacy of using spread footings. Implementation of these concepts requires only that conventional computations be taken one step further without any requirement for advanced computational skills. The report presents sources of information that agencies and designers can use as references in their project applications. The report contains comprehensive appendices that treat in detail many of the topics discussed in the report. For example, one such appendix provides an introduction to Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) that permits a rational approach to the consideration of spread footings on soils as a feasible alternative to deep foundations. Download

CodeSelection of Spread Footings on Soils to Support Highway Bridge Structures

Tanah dan Pondasi :Manual Referensi (NHI Course) Volume I dan II

The objective of this manual is to present recommended methods for the safe, cost-effective design and construction of geotechnical features. Coordination between geotechnical specialists and bridge engineers at all phases of a project is stressed. Readers are encouraged to develop an appreciation of geotechnical activities in all project phases that influence or are influenced by their work. (ilmu teknik sipil, data teknik sipil, buku teknik sipil, teknik sipil) Link :

CodeSoils and Foundations Reference Manual - Vol I
Volume I

Soils and Foundations Reference Manual - Vol II
Volume II

Tata cara perhitungan harga satuan pekerjan tanah ( SNI DT-91-0006-2007)


SNI DT-91-0006-2007 – Tata cara perhitungan harga satuan pekerjaan tanah

Tata Cara Perencanaan teknik pelindung tebing sungai dari pasang batu (SNI-2003-3441-1994) / INDONESIAN MANUAL FOR SLOPE PROTECTION (RIVER REVETMENT)


Tata Cara Perencanaan teknik pelindung tebing sungai dari pasang batu (SNI-2003-3441-1994)

Drainase Bawah Tanah : Subsurface Drainage for Slope Stabilization

Subsurface Drainage for Slope Stabilization

This book describes the latest methods and practices in the field of subsurface drainage for slope stability. Groundwater pressure significantly affects slope stability; general principles of reducing pressure by drainage are comprehensively addressed. Details of the mechanics of water flow in soil, rock, aggregates, geotextiles, and pipes are covered. Filtration theory and filter design are presented in a geotechnical context along with the general characteristics of drains and the assessment of their performance.

Field and laboratory investigations, site instrumentation and its monitoring, groundwater computations resulting from field investigations, and various methods of slope stability analysis are discussed. The materials and construction procedures used in trench, blanket, and horizontal drains are examined in depth. Also presented is an account of granular, ferric and calcium carbonate clogging mechanisms, and maintenance procedures for controlling them. Appendices include a field test for dissolved ferrous iron and case examples.

Geotechnical practitioners, students, and beginners will find this book to be a comprehensive reference for every aspect of subsurface drainage for slope stabilization.

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